Cupcakes on Kavanaugh Closes

We are receiving multiple reports that long-standing bakery Cupcakes on Kavanaugh has closed. A quick look shows all their social media accounts taken down, their online delivery account through Waitr offline, and calls to the bakery go immediately to voice mail. We will work to get a statement from the owner as soon as possible and update this story.
The bakery opened in 2008 and was the first cupcake focused bakery in Arkansas, hot on the heels of the national trend. The store enjoyed huge popularity, expanding at one point to the Plesant Ridge shopping center.
Original Owner Christy Milligan sat down with us for an interview in 2015 to talk about the founding, her success up to that point, and her personal preference on cupcakes.
“People were very responsive when I first opened.  Some were confused…they wanted to know what else I was going to make besides cupcakes.  They had a hard time understanding how I was only going to sell just cupcakes,” Milligan said in the interview. “When I opened my doors for the first time I had a line out the door and sold out in 2 hours…the next day I sold out in 3 hours…and it was that way for at least a month. I had a wonderful response from customers and still have those fabulous customers today.”
Cupcakes on Kavanaugh was able to survive multiple waves of bakery openings and closings, most providing direct competition to their brand. Ironically, bakery competition is probably at the lowest in the past several years due to multiple closings from places like Sweet Love, Brown Sugar, Gina’s and others before. Milligan sold the business to Marcie & Boggan Apel in 2018 who operated it until the current closing.
Given the immediate response to their closing we received, they will be missed. We hope to find out soon if there is hope for a future revival of Cupcakes on Kavanaugh. Until then, pour out a few sprinkles for our fallen sugary friends.
** Update: We have been able to confirm the shop is closed. Still no word from the current owner on why or any future for the site.

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