It’s been a whirlwind couple of months for Buffalo Brewing Company. The brewery that started at The Water Buffalo first announced in April it was opening a Heights taproom next door to Burge’s Smoked Turkeys later this summer. Then before the spot could open (construction is still underway), Buffalo Brewing announced it was moving its brewery operations to 1021 Jessie Road, in the same strip center that Cajun’s Wharf was in. Of course, the move coincided with the catastrophic flood that has brought the Arkansas River up to the new brewery’s front stairs. We don’t know yet how much the flooding is going to impact the move or when the new brewery will be able to open. Buffalo Brewing is still open at The Water Buffalo for the time being. We’ll keep you posted on when the two new location will be open later this summer.
One of the most interesting beers I’ve had in 2019 is today’s Freshcut Monday release at Lost Forty Brewing. The team is releasing its Tigre Suave Wild Barrels Project in large-format bottles this afternoon. Tigre Suave takes a barrel-aged version of Easy Tiger Mexican Lager and rests it on tamarind, chiles and lime for a complex, sour sip that doesn’t let up on the flavor. The taste constantly develops, but there’s plenty of lime and raisin that comes through the tasting notes. You can pick up your bottle of this delicious experiment starting today at 4 p.m. Also, on Thursday Lost Forty is releasing cans of its 2nd Rodeo Arkansas Beer. The release party starts at 4:30 p.m. and features a mechanical bull-riding contest and some special merchandise. 2nd Rodeo is Lost Forty’s take on an American light beer, brewed with Arkansas rice and served ice cold. It’s been on tap for a while now, and you can pick it up in cans at the taproom starting Thursday.
Rebel Kettle this week continues its three-year partnership with Heifer International with the 4:30 Thursday release of Urban Farmer. This year’s collaboration is a tart farmhouse ale made with fresh lemon balm and ginger that was grown here in Little Rock. This beer will be served at the upcoming Feast in the Field event as well as Urban Farm Fest. There is only a very small quantity available at the taproom on Thursday, so no growlers or crowlers to go on this one. Rebel Kettle still has a few cases of Purple Dinosour boysenberry sour ale cans left at the taproom. Also, head brewer John Lee tipped me off that the brewery’s popular Summer Jam raspberry sour will get a canned release this year, like around the fourth of July.
Stone’s Throw Brewing has been its Big Dam Horn O’ Plenty Oktoberfest beer for several years now, but until this week has never unveiled a barrel-aged version. That changes at the MacPark location for this week’s #NewBrewFriday release of Bourbon Big Dam Horn O’ Plenty. Given the timing of the base beer, the barrel version seems to have aged for at least nine months. This one should stand up to the aging well given its hefty original 8.5 percent ABV. In addition to the Bourbon Big Dam Horn O’ Plenty, Stone’s Throw is bringing back its Ich Bin Ein Berliner Weisse, a very low-gravity tart ale with plenty of citrus and berry notes. Both of these go on tap at the MacPark location Friday at 4 p.m.
Superior Bathhouse Brewery in Hot Springs has an interesting experiment on tap right now. It’s called Z-13, and it’s a Brut IPA with zero IBUs. That’s right, Superior used no bittering hops in the boil, instead opting for the more floral Mandarina Bavaria infused via dry hopping. Brut IPAs tend to be dry and crisp, and at 5 percent ABV, Z-13 should be a very refreshing pour. It’s on tap right now at Superior.
Lastly, Brewed in Arkansas has released its second edition, which focuses on breweries in Northwest Arkansas. We at Rock City Eats are proud partners of the magazine, and I for one think this issue turned out great. You should start to see it at breweries around Central Arkansas later this week.
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