Rock City Eats Industry Awards – Voting

Over the years we have toyed with various awards focusing on those in the industry that do not always get the focus. We think it is important to build the industry from the ground up and recognize those doing great work.
This year we are going to roll those ideas into our first-ever Rock City Eats Industry Awards. This is going to go a little different than others on the market, we are interested in going past the headliners and looking at the folks who are grinding it out in the kitchens, working the bars, bringing your food, and even bussing the tables. Because of that, we are going to lean heavily on the food industry to tell us who among their ranks deserve to be honored.
The nominations have been taken, here are the top three (unless a tie) finalists for each category. You can vote once for each category, voting ends January 8th.

Voting Closed.

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