Eggshells Cooking Classes – This has been a consistent gift we give over the past several years, usually with a bottle of wine to drink at the event. The cooking classes are really more private chef time with a little demonstration and instruction. Think of it more as a night out than a hands on course. Regardless there are always fun classes offered including ones from Ken Dempsey, Amanda Ivy, Mindy Mitchell and Carmen Portillo.
PK Grills – PK 360 – Not going to lie, this is a bigger Christmas present. The Little Rock manufactured grills are really second to none though, and their newest model is a backyard cook’s dream. Despite the fairly high price tag, these will last a lifetime, well longer than other grills you buy.
Bourbon Coffee from Leiva’s – We highlighted this a few weeks back, and as my bottle of coffee beans is running low, I find myself appreciating it more. The flavor added to the coffee is incredible, and makes drinking coffee (non-alcoholic) a true experience. They also have a nice gift set available if you want to splurge.
Shamrock Selections from O’Looney’s – I was always a casual wine drinker and stuck to my standard selections. Absolutely nothing has opened up my wine vocabulary and preference like Shamrock Selections. Each month they give you two pre-selected bottles, and you go pick them up from the store. They frequently get exclusive wines and older reserves that never hit the shelf thanks to the buying power of the program. You will find a wide variety of wines with information on each every month.
Water Buffalo Home Brew Kit – Craft beer continues to boom in Little Rock, but instead of just enjoying the craft beer movement, get involved with it. Water Buffalo has everything from home brew starter kits to more advanced equipment to get going in home brew. Owner Nolan Buffalo tells us it only cost around $130-150 to get everything you need to get started home brewing.
Chocolates and Candy
Bourbon Caramels from Rock Town – These are on our list for a second straight year, last year they were hands down the top item on the list. These caramels are made with bourbon, then coated in chocolate. Word of advice, go ahead and buy two sets, one to eat now and one to gift. If not they will never make it to the stocking.
Izard Truffles with Cognac – Izard has put out several truffles before that amazing, but these boozy ones are brand new to hit the shelf. His truffles are always top notch, and the addition of cognac is going to make them much better than your heart shaped box of mixed chocolates.
Cocoa Belle Chocolate Butter – Sure, you could spread this amazing chocolate butter on some fresh made bread or top off a dessert with it, but honestly we would not judge you one bit if you just dipped your finger in and ate it straight. Either way it is a versatile product that is extremely good. Go for the 4 pack.
Loblolly Bourbon Marshmallows – If you are drinking any hot chocolate over the winter (and you should be), then you need these marshmallows from Loblolly. They are gigantic, I highly recommend breaking them up before throwing them in your drink, but the added bourbon flavor is like no marshmallow tha thas come before it.
Other Gifts
Bang up Betty Necklace – We love local craft maker Bang Up Betty. The creator, Stacey Bowers, is a huge friend of the food community showing up at numerous events and organizing the annual Thea Blue Plate special each year. Her handmade jewelry is always edgy and a fun. This butcher knife one is a perfect gift for someone who loves food, or even better the love tacos one.
Succulents from Electric Ghost – Speaking of friends of the food industry, Electric Ghost is a huge supporter. They do almost all the local restaurant and brewery shirts, plus donate to a ton of events around town. Their store front however is more than just shirts and apparel, they have some amazing succulents (small plants that require little maintenance). They even have a few build your own options for plants.