Not that you ever need an excuse to get out to eat somewhere local, but today is a little more special than others. It is World Food Day, it was a date set to honor the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Around the world, it is a chance to for organizations focused on food security to build awareness for their missions. One of the largest such organizations resides right here in Little Rock, Heifer International.
This year for World Food Day, Heifer is bringing the fight for food security home by partnering with local restaurants to raise awareness and funds to support Heifer’s worldwide hunger relief efforts through sustainable farming. Each of the 23 restaurants involved will donate 10% of their sales today to support Heifer’s missions worldwide.
10% is not an unsubstantial amount for a restaurant to give up. It shows a commitment from each and every one of these places to a cause bigger than themselves. It is also an easy chance for you to enjoy some great food while supporting a cause that impacts the world.
Below is a map of all the restaurants where money from your meal today will help support hunger relief across the globe. Also be sure to stop back in all of these places again to thank them for supporting hunger relief efforts today.
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Around the world, it is a chance to for organizations focused on food security to build awareness for their missions. One of the largest such organizations resides right here in Little Rock, Heifer International.
This year for World Food Day, Heifer is bringing the fight for food security home by partnering with local restaurants to raise awareness and funds to support Heifer’s worldwide hunger relief efforts through sustainable farming. Each of the 23 restaurants involved will donate 10% of their sales today to support Heifer’s missions worldwide.
10% is not an unsubstantial amount for a restaurant to give up. It shows a commitment from each and every one of these places to a cause bigger than themselves. It is also an easy chance for you to enjoy some great food while supporting a cause that impacts the world.
Below is a map of all the restaurants where money from your meal today will help support hunger relief across the globe. Also be sure to stop back in all of these places again to thank them for supporting hunger relief efforts today.
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